Convert String to Link


I am using a PHP function which spits out this format:

27328, , File Name Title, , ,

I am looking for PHP code to simply parse this as a link in the syntax:

<a href="" >File Name Title</a>

Any help would be much appreciated!


Is the input a csv file?

Else if it is a string with just the amount of commas you showed us then this will do:

$str = "27328, , File Name Title, , , ";

// use explode to break the parts into an array
$bits = explode(",",$str);

// get rid of some the leading white spaces
$bits = array_map("trim" , $bits);

// access the array elements as needed
echo "<a href='". $bits[5] . "'>" . $bits[2]  . "</a>";

<a href=‘’>File Name Title</a>

Hi Cups, this is a string so thanks for this. Is it possible to modify the function so that if the string is empty (i.e. user doesn’t upload a file) to return the text “Not available”.

many thanks

The simplest way to write it is with an if conditional check.

// comment out one line or the other to test this

$str = "27328, , File Name Title, , , ";
//$str = "";

if(trim($str) === ""){

  echo "Not available";


  $bits = explode(",",$str);
  $bits = array_map("trim" , $bits);
  echo "<a href='". $bits[5] . "'>" . $bits[2]  . "</a>"; 

You may then go on to check whether the string contains commas at all, or put it all into a function, or into a class and make it more robust.

We can go on developing this idea to make it handle more possibilities.

You may want to come up with a solution if for example the url is not actually a url, maybe it is missing the http://… If the File Name Title is missing you may want to inject some default text, or send yourself an alert …

A lot will depend on how many places you can see yourself re-using this code, and the range of possible input strings or values – but maybe this bit of code as it stands is all you need.

ok here is my code but it has syntax errors… basically i just want to use a IF NOT statement to make things clean as this will be the only case.

<?php $file = get_field('fl_brochure' );if(trim($file) != ""){ echo '<a target=_blank href="'  . $file['url' ] . '">'  . '<img src="" alt="brochure" />' . Brochure . '</a>'} ?>

Any help in fixing my code?!

thanks so much

sorry the code that doesn’t work is:

<?php $file = get_field('fl_map_id');if(trim($file) != ""){echo '<a class="colorboxiash" href="'' . $file '">'  . '<img src="" alt="map" />' . Map . '</a>';} ?>

Where you are using echo, you need to escape all your inner single-quotes with a backslash.

unfortunately this doesn’t seem to fix the problem… the url is just being read without converting $file to its value…

The complication arises from the fact that the $file variable needs to be part of the url string…

1/ Put php code in php tags not code tags on the forum post.
2/ The variable $file in ’ ’ will be $file but in " " will be the value of $file.
3/ Try this:

$file = get_field('fl_map_id');
if(trim($file) != ""){
echo "<a class=\\"colorboxiash\\" href=\\"$file\\"><img src=\\"\\" alt=\\"map\\" />Map</a>";