Copy Same Database in 2nd folders

I have created my second database for French version.I have copied the content folder to /en folder but my posts pages are not there,

how can i copy the same links folders from the main page to en/folder?
phpadmin i assume just export sql and import in the new database?

will this also copy
Contact Info
links on top,theme customization,…

here is the site joehopeinc com/en/ AND joehopeinc com

Your posts, pages, and theme configuration are stored in the database, not in files. You need to copy the database and update your site URL there as well.

When you ask WordPress-specific questions it would be helpful if you mentioned you’re using WordPress in the post :slight_smile:

thanks Dan.

"You can also export the xml file form the original and import it into the clone. "

this worked for me.but wordpress widgets did not imported the links/text,…i had to create it manually.