Core.js download


Could anyone let me know where can I download core.js library. I tried download button from but it points to 404 page.



Hehe, how quickly things get out of date! I’ll call @HAWK to make her aware of the broken link, but if it helps, here’s a version of the Core library that came with the Simply Javascript book that is dated a few days earlier than that release version, so I can’t guarantee that it’s the very latest version, but should be very close, if not right there:

var Core = {};

// W3C DOM 2 Events model
if (document.addEventListener)
  Core.addEventListener = function(target, type, listener)
    target.addEventListener(type, listener, false);

  Core.removeEventListener = function(target, type, listener)
    target.removeEventListener(type, listener, false);

  Core.preventDefault = function(event)

  Core.stopPropagation = function(event)
// Internet Explorer Events model
else if (document.attachEvent)
  Core.addEventListener = function(target, type, listener)
    // prevent adding the same listener twice, since DOM 2 Events ignores
    // duplicates like this
    if (Core._findListener(target, type, listener) != -1) return;

    // listener2 calls listener as a method of target in one of two ways,
    // depending on what this version of IE supports, and passes it the global
    // event object as an argument
    var listener2 = function()
      var event = window.event;

      if (
      {, event);
        target._currentListener = listener;
        target._currentListener = null;

    // add listener2 using IE's attachEvent method
    target.attachEvent("on" + type, listener2);

    // create an object describing this listener so we can clean it up later
    var listenerRecord =
      target: target,
      type: type,
      listener: listener,
      listener2: listener2

    // get a reference to the window object containing target
    var targetDocument = target.document || target;
    var targetWindow = targetDocument.parentWindow;

    // create a unique ID for this listener
    var listenerId = "l" + Core._listenerCounter++;

    // store a record of this listener in the window object
    if (!targetWindow._allListeners) targetWindow._allListeners = {};
    targetWindow._allListeners[listenerId] = listenerRecord;

    // store this listener's ID in target
    if (!target._listeners) target._listeners = [];
    target._listeners[target._listeners.length] = listenerId;

    // set up Core._removeAllListeners to clean up all listeners on unload
    if (!targetWindow._unloadListenerAdded)
      targetWindow._unloadListenerAdded = true;
      targetWindow.attachEvent("onunload", Core._removeAllListeners);

  Core.removeEventListener = function(target, type, listener)
    // find out if the listener was actually added to target
    var listenerIndex = Core._findListener(target, type, listener);
    if (listenerIndex == -1) return;

    // get a reference to the window object containing target
    var targetDocument = target.document || target;
    var targetWindow = targetDocument.parentWindow;

    // obtain the record of the listener from the window object
    var listenerId = target._listeners[listenerIndex];
    var listenerRecord = targetWindow._allListeners[listenerId];

    // remove the listener, and remove its ID from target
    target.detachEvent("on" + type, listenerRecord.listener2);
    target._listeners.splice(listenerIndex, 1);

    // remove the record of the listener from the window object
    delete targetWindow._allListeners[listenerId];

  Core.preventDefault = function(event)
    event.returnValue = false;

  Core.stopPropagation = function(event)
    event.cancelBubble = true;

  Core._findListener = function(target, type, listener)
    // get the array of listener IDs added to target
    var listeners = target._listeners;
    if (!listeners) return -1;

    // get a reference to the window object containing target
    var targetDocument = target.document || target;
    var targetWindow = targetDocument.parentWindow;

    // searching backward (to speed up onunload processing), find the listener
    for (var i = listeners.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
      // get the listener's ID from target
      var listenerId = listeners[i];

      // get the record of the listener from the window object
      var listenerRecord = targetWindow._allListeners[listenerId];

      // compare type and listener with the retrieved record
      if (listenerRecord.type == type && listenerRecord.listener == listener)
        return i;
    return -1;

  Core._removeAllListeners = function()
    var targetWindow = this;

    for (id in targetWindow._allListeners)
      var listenerRecord = targetWindow._allListeners[id];
          "on" + listenerRecord.type, listenerRecord.listener2);
      delete targetWindow._allListeners[id];

  Core._listenerCounter = 0;

Core.addClass = function(target, theClass)
  if (!Core.hasClass(target, theClass))
    if (target.className == "")
      target.className = theClass;
      target.className += " " + theClass;

Core.getElementsByClass = function(theClass)
  var elementArray = [];

  if (typeof document.all != "undefined")
    elementArray = document.all;
    elementArray = document.getElementsByTagName("*");

  var matchedArray = [];
  var pattern = new RegExp("(^| )" + theClass + "( |$)");

  for (var i = 0; i < elementArray.length; i++)
    if (pattern.test(elementArray[i].className))
      matchedArray[matchedArray.length] = elementArray[i];

  return matchedArray;

Core.hasClass = function(target, theClass)
  var pattern = new RegExp("(^| )" + theClass + "( |$)");

  if (pattern.test(target.className))
    return true;

  return false;

Core.removeClass = function(target, theClass)
  var pattern = new RegExp("(^| )" + theClass + "( |$)");

  target.className = target.className.replace(pattern, "$1");
  target.className = target.className.replace(/ $/, "");

Core.getComputedStyle = function(element, styleProperty)
  var computedStyle = null;

  if (typeof element.currentStyle != "undefined")
    computedStyle = element.currentStyle;
    computedStyle = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(element, null);

  return computedStyle[styleProperty];

Core.start = function(runnable)
  Core.addEventListener(window, "load", runnable.init);

It’s probably worth pointing out that, a few years later, when Kevin did the Learnable course based on this book, he used jQuery instead of Core.js. Kind of said it all, if you ask me.

Thank you Ralph so much!

Sorry about that. I’ll get the 404 sorted and have someone update you in this thread when it’s done.

I’ve corrected the link and published the whole code archive at