Count the number of occurences in a table with jquery

I have an html table and I’m wondering if there is a way that I could find the number of occurrences of a given number and display them on the page with jquery?

Occurence of 4: 1
Occurence of 11: 2
. etc…

 <table id='tab' width="35%" border="1">

Use :contains() selector and length property:

$('table td:contains(4)').length // => Occurence of 4
$('table td:contains(11)').length // => Occurence of 11

I made an example for you:
That code finds occurencies count for each number in given table

that was fast!! thanks alot @megazoid.

There is one issue with this code. It counts all 1s, 2s, 3s etc…seperately. In the example, there is only one “1” but it counts 3 because there is an “11”. How can we change this? thanks.


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