Create a Tetromino Puzzle Game Using Swift - Getting Started

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This entry is part 1 of 1 in the series Create a Tetromino Puzzle Game Using Swift

Create a Tetromino Puzzle Game Using Swift

  • Create a Tetromino Puzzle Game Using Swift – Getting Started


This series of articles will introduce you to two of Apple’s latest technologies, Swift and SpriteKit. Swift is a new programming language promoted as the “language for the future of Apple software development“. SpriteKit is Apple’s first game development framework that is standard with its SDK. It supports iOS starting from version 7 and Mac OS X.

We will not be discussing every detail, instead you will learn the fundamentals of Swift by creating a simple game. For a detailed discussion of the language, there is Apple’s official book on the subject. Although not a requisite for this course, it is a highly recommended read if you are serious about learning Swift.

As for SpriteKit, we will not be using it extensively in our game. We only need its most basic capabilities to display simple sprites on the screen. The focus of this course remains on Swift.

The game that you will be creating is inspired by a very popular puzzle game from the 80’s. You’re most likely familiar with this game and might have even played it once or twice, or more if you are a fan of the game like me. Here’s a sneak peek at what you are going to make:

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