Create Dates array

I’ve been using this function to build an array of dates from a “FromDate” to a “ToDate” and just noticed the results are not always correct. I’m hoping someone can point out why or a more reliable way to build this array. You’ll notice some commented out sample dates and the result. Thank you for your expertise.

	function createDateRangeArray($strDateFrom,$strDateTo){

	    $iDateFrom=mktime(1,0,0,substr($strDateFrom,5,2),     substr($strDateFrom,8,2),substr($strDateFrom,0,4));
	    $iDateTo=mktime(1,0,0,substr($strDateTo,5,2),     substr($strDateTo,8,2),substr($strDateTo,0,4));
	    if ($iDateTo>=$iDateFrom)
	        array_push($aryRange,date('Y-m-d',$iDateFrom)); // first entry
	        while ($iDateFrom<$iDateTo)
	            $iDateFrom+=86400; // add 24 hours
	    return $aryRange;
//$FromDate = "2013-11-01";
//$ToDate = "2013-11-30";	

//$FromDate = "2013-11-01";
//$ToDate = "2013-11-15";

//$FromDate = "2013-12-01";
//$ToDate = "2013-12-30";

//$FromDate = "2013-11-15";
//$ToDate = "2013-12-15";

//$FromDate = "2013-11-15";
//$ToDate = "2013-12-30";

$FromDate = "2013-11-01";
$ToDate = "2013-12-30";

$dates_array = createDateRangeArray($FromDate,$ToDate);

echo "$FromDate<br />$ToDate<br />";		
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>"; 		

Well I changed it to strtotime() and it seems to be working correctly.

	function createDateRangeArray($strDateFrom,$strDateTo){

		$iDateFrom = strtotime($strDateFrom);
		$iDateTo = strtotime($strDateTo);
	    if ($iDateTo>=$iDateFrom)
	        array_push($aryRange,date('Y-m-d',$iDateFrom)); // first entry
	        while ($iDateFrom<$iDateTo)
	            $iDateFrom+=86400; // add 24 hours
		return $aryRange;