Creating a blur effect on image

Hi all, I wonder if it is possible to make a JS blur effect on an image while it’s moving.

It probably is but I haven’t seen it done before with JS, only ActionScript for Flash, I wonder what is the reason for this.

So the way I have been thinking this could be achieved is by loading several times the same image giving them transparency and offsetting them a pixel or two from each other.

Any input or ideas regarding this issue would be greatly appreciated.

You could use something like the Pixeltastic library to perform blurs, it’s JS creating a canvas element. Since JS doesn’t have any real image manipulation, canvas is the real hero here.
Pixastic: JavaScript Image Processing : Blur
Pixastic: JavaScript Image Processing : Blur Fast

While you could certainly apply animation effects to a container of canvas, or use canvas to move the elements themselves, there might be some performance issues there, especially with larger images.

To perform a manual blur as you described, using JS & transparency you could insert 8 images and transpose them on the top with an offset.

I knocked up a super quick example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <title>Testing img blur</title>
		#container { position:relative; width:300px; height:300px; overflow:hidden; top:150px; left:150px; }
		#container img { position:absolute; opacity:0.125; }
		#container #i0 { opacity:1; top:0; left:0; }
		#i1 { top:-2px; left:-2px; }
		#i2 { top:-2px; left:0px; }
		#i3 { top:-2px; left:2px; }
		#i4 { top:0px; left:-2px; }
		#i5 { top:0px; left:2px; }
		#i6 { top:2px; left:-2px; }
		#i7 { top:2px; left:0px; }
		#i8 { top:2px; left:2px; }
	<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
	<script type="text/javascript">

			amt = 0;
				amt = amt == 150 ? -150 : 150;
				$(this).animate({"left":$(this).position().left + amt, "top":$(this).position().top + amt, }, 1000);
<div id="container">
	<img src="" id="i0"/>
	<img src="" id="i1"/>
	<img src="" id="i2"/>
	<img src="" id="i3"/>
	<img src="" id="i4"/>
	<img src="" id="i5"/>
	<img src="" id="i6"/>
	<img src="" id="i7"/>
	<img src="" id="i8"/>

Of course you’d generate the additional images with JS and generate the styles depending on what level of blur you wanted.

This is only a very basic level of blur though, nothing like what you could achieve using Canvas :wink:

Thank you for this info, appreciated!