Cross-referencing an entry

What is the best way to connect an entry in a database table with multiple entries in the same table?

I was thinking about creating a table to store this information, but is there a better way to do it?

please give something more specific for us to think about, like descriptions of your actual table and columns

as your question stands now, the answer is “foreign keys”

Imagine having a Users table, where you want to keep track of which users are part of the same family, for example.

As for the actual names of columns, I don’t know because I was just thinking about this problem in general terms :slight_smile:

for sure you’d need a family table

I thought so.

I don’t remember this very well, but can foreign keys be used to connect one entry to multiple entries?

no, but they can be used to connect multiple entries to one entry :slight_smile:

FKs always go in the child (many) table, referencing the parent (one) table’s PK