CSS does not work on firefox

Hi guys,

I realize that there are some people out there who has the same problems as I do.

I’m currently designing a website and yesterday I tried putting my website on my domain.

Everything went smooth up until when I opened up my webpage on firefox.

On IE, it works perfect, but on firefox, CSS DOES NOT WORK AT all…

<– here is my CSS code–> and please let me know if I have done something wrong if you any of you get a change to see this.

@charset "utf-8";
/* CSS Document */

margin: 0;
html, body {
height: 100%;
#wrapper {
	position: relative;
	min-height: 100%;
	height: auto !important;
	width: 1020px;
	height: 100%;
	margin: 0 auto -300px;


#header {

#menu {

#menu ul {

#menu li {
	background-image: url(images/menu-bggif.gif);	

#menu ul li a {
	font-family:"Copperplate Gothic Light";
	font-size: 13px;

#menu ul ul {

#menu ul li:hover ul {

#menu li:hover {

#menu ul li:hover ul li a:hover {

#menu a:hover {

#welcome {

#leftcol {
	font-family:"Palatino Linotype",    "Goudy Old Style";

#footer {
	background-image: url(images/footer.jpg);

#wrapper #welcome #footer div .footer {
#wrapper #welcome #footer div .footer:hover {

Thank you,

Hi iwasjeff. Welcome to SitePoint. :slight_smile:

The only real error there is that this does nothing:

margin: 0;

You need something (an element or a class selector etc.) for that to apply to.

We need to see your HTML too, or preferably a live link, to see what’s going on.

Ah alright thanks ralph,

I’ll check things… on my html as it seems like I’ve got some problems with it…

and I’ll post it here again.

Thank you

It’s odd that Firefox would have such a reaction. Anyhow, if you don’t want to post the code here, you can run it through the HTML validator. It will give you a list of all the errors. Fix them one at a time, though, as often one error can cause more errors down the line.

Thanks Ralph, I’m going to try to fix that b/c it’s showing tons of errors when I ran through that yesterday…

This is difficult!


Hang in there! Take it one element at a time. As I said, one error can cause many more errors further down, meaning that once it’s corrected, everythig else tidies up.

The rules of HTML are pretty simple, so don’t despair. It’s really a matter of taking a systematic approach to learning this. SitePoint’s HTML Reference is a nice guide to using each element.

Sometimes one missing bracket is enough to corrupt the code and stop it showing in Firefox so make sure you catch all errors.

If that doesn’t help then check the section marked my "My stylesheet doesn’t work" as it may be another issue such as the server not sending the proper Content-Type header for CSS style sheets.

Hi guys,

I’ve tried everything.

Validationg and etc… but I couldn’t get this to work.

So i’ll post my CSS and HTML codes here and see if you guys can find something…

My website will work fine on IE 7, 8 but no on 9 or firefox.

HERE is my website: Peterboro Co-op
I validated my css and html and it was fine.

here is my css code:

@charset "utf-8";
/* CSS Document */

html, body {
height: 100%;
#wrapper {
	position: relative;
	min-height: 100%;
	height: auto !important;
	width: 1020px;
	height: 100%;
	margin: 0 auto -300px;


#header {

#menu {

#menu ul {

#menu li {
	background-image: url(images/menu-bggif.gif);	

#menu ul li a {
	font-family:"Copperplate Gothic Light";
	font-size: 13px;

#menu ul ul {

#menu ul li:hover ul {

#menu li:hover {

#menu ul li:hover ul li a:hover {

#menu a:hover {

#welcome {

#leftcol {
	font-family:"Palatino Linotype",    "Goudy Old Style";

#footer {
	background-image: url(images/footer.jpg);

#wrapper #welcome #footer div .footer {
#wrapper #welcome #footer div .footer:hover {

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Here is my HTML code

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta name="generator" content="HTML Tidy for Linux (vers 6 November 2007), see www.w3.org" />
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<link href="PTBO.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
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Please let me know if you guys do find something!


I will really appreciate anyone’s help!

Here is whats really puzzling it’s not that your site DOESNT WORK on FF ( or Safari, but it does work on Opera)… and it doesnt. Its that copy pasting the code directly from the site and testing it locally… IT DOES WORK ( minus the images , of course) …

So I am wondering if its a link related issue.

to test: try removing the:"@charset “utf-8”; from the top of your CSS code. see where that leads.

This is your same page and stylesheet running off my ISP but working in FF and Saf.
http://raym31.home.comcast.net/~raym31/temp/PTBO.html leading me to believe this is a server issue.

oh my lol…


when i removed it… it still doesn’t work…

I wonder what it is…really

What would be a link related issue…? like what does it have to do with CSS not lodaing up completely on website?

The error is as I stated in my post and your server is sending the wrong mime type.

Error: The stylesheet http://www.peterboroughcoop.com/PTBO.css was not loaded because its MIME type, “text/plain”, is not “text/css”.
Source File: Peterboro Co-op
Line: 0

Read this for an explanation and solution. If you have apache and access to the htaccess file you can add this:

AddType text/css .css

Otherwise its a job for your host.

ALright i’ll try that and let you know . Thanks

It will work if you follow the instructions as that error message is from Firefox’s error console and details the problem exactly.

Just go to tools / error console in Firefox and then load (or refresh) your page while the console is open and in the error panel on the console you will see the message. :slight_smile:

Contact your host and ask them to change it if you don’t have access to your server htaccess files.

how would I ask my host to change ??

how should I ask them…?

if they can change server htaccess files??

Sorry, I’m new to all of this, but thanks for your kind answers.

I really appreaciate it.

Well… this may not be directly related to your problems – but in general the page is built on invalid/outdated methodologies mixed with several common “rookie” mistakes…

The vague/meaningless endless classes on EVERYTHING do nothing to actually help maintain the page… the flat anchors as a giant run-on for obvious menus, complete lack of anything resembling a heading tag, use of a tranny doctype basically saying you are in transition from 1997 to 1998, all adds up to a disaster before we even get into the CSS…

Where you have a character encoding inlined that doesn’t match the server header (NOT that there is ANY reason to say the character encoding since it’s invalid to have anything more than ASCII7 in it) doesn’t even start to touch the problems; Problems like the entire layout being built with absolute positioning, or the endless pointless redundant declarations on EVERYTHING…

… and of course that also fails to cover stating every single font in PX.

I cannot speak as to why your CSS isn’t loading in other browsers, but even if it did that CSS and HTML are such a total non-semantic disaster built on faulty methodologies, my only advice would be to throw it all away and start over clean.

I have to ask - just exactly which WYSIWYG made that code? I’m asking becuase it suffers from the “Symmetrical Book Stacking” scenario. Classes on EVERYTHING for no good reason, multiple separate UL’s doing a single UL’s job, manual line-breaks instead of letting element widths do their job, attributes that no modern developer even uses anymore – it’s a laundry list of outdated development.

Even all the images for text with no fallbacks – you have a section that’s text, use text… most certainly do not use absurdly undersized fixed metric fonts in illegible color combinations.

To give you an example of what I mean, if I was writing the same page, the HTML would probably look something like this:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"

	content="text/html; charset=utf-8"



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			Our Co-Op store is located in Peterborough, Ontario. We try to fulfill our customer's needs so that every customer is happy with our services. We try to serve high quality products at reasonable prices...
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			<h2>About Us</h2>
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					Peterborough Co-operative District Services Strives to fulfill our customers' needs. Fulfilling our customers' needs means, improving our services to provide high qualityof products and the highest level of services...
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				<dd>Monday - Friday:</dd>
				<dt>8am - 6pm</dt>
				<dt>8am - 5pm</dt>
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					Retail Store
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				If you become a member, you will be equitably sharing and in the control of your own business based on the principle of one member-one vote regardless of your investments in common shares. You are eligible for credits for farm &amp; home needs, access products to meet your needs, and you will be ateconomic advantages through reasonable prices and share returns as determined by our elected Board of Directors...
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				Learn how to properly take care your garden on our website! We will try our best to help you. Plants to attract your birds on your garden and many many more!!!
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			<h2>Maximizing Price Contract!</h2>
					Are you concerned about the potential of incerasing fuel cost?
					Would it benefit yuo to know your fuel prices would not exceed a set price for 6 months?
					Would it benefit you to....
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				<li><a href="Tips/Garden%20Journal.html">Garden Journal</a></li>
				<li><a href="Tips/birds.html">Birds</a></li>
				<li><a href="Tips/Flowers.html">Flowers</a></li>
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		<div class="disclaimer">
			&copy; 2011 Peterborough District Co-operative Services |
			861 Lansdowne Street West, Peterborough, ON |
			(705) 745-4607
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I’ve got a paying client ahead of you, but once that’s done I’ll toss together the CSS to make that HTML work – so you can see how it should be done – putting position:absolute on pretty much EVERY LAYOUT ELEMENT is NOT how you build a website.

Hey death thanks alot, i’ll keep in mind!

Just refer them to here or say to them that their server is configured incorrectly for CSS and the mime type needs to be text/css. If they do not know what you mean then go somewhere else as they shouldn’t be hosting in the first place. The full details are on the page I linked to so just copy and paste the whole thing and set it witho your request if need be.

There’s no point in doing anything else until you sort out the mime type because even Jason’s code above will not work for you until this is fixed :slight_smile:

That CSS is even sent with the wrong mime-type in the first place is IMHO an indication of time to look for another host…

I mean, who the devil would have a server set up that way?

But what do I know, I say the same thing about HTC files.