CSS for a:link pseudo class not taking in Chrome

Please click the link below… the 5 links below the main page title are not taking my CSS edits in Chrome. Looks good in firefox and chrome. Any idea whats going on?


Thanks ! :slight_smile:

They look the same to me in FF and Chrome. What are they meant to look like? Which code is not working?

As Ralph says, you’ll need to give us more of a clue. It looks pretty much the same for me in Firefox, Chrome, IE and Opera - those links start off mid-green and turn dark green when clicked on. In most browsers the :visited links have fractionally smaller text.

Sorry about that :slight_smile:

Here is the CSS on that element

a.samepage:link {

Here is how it appears in chrome to me

and in firefox

Hmm, very odd, I’m getting the green text in Chrome just the same as in other browsers…

noslenwerd, make sure to refresh your browser / clear the cache etc. Sometimes the browser uses the old version of the style sheet that it copied last time. Another option is to rename the style sheet (at least for testing purposes) to force the browser to reload it.