CSS -- how do I get no style at all

I have some links in my webpage and I don’t want them to have any color or text-decoration at all. Basically I want the browser to make the word a link, but that is all. I don’t want it to fool with anything else in the display. How do I do this?

I know that I can set style=“text-decoration:none” but I can’t set color=none. I don’t want to actively set the color to black because I am not sure that the text would normally have been black. Basically, the text could be any color and I want the link to leave the text color alone.

Please help me. Thanks.

You could set a psuedo-class tag for whatever the colors used are going to be.:slight_smile:

a { color: inherit; }

Should do the trick.


Although blufives answer is correct unfortunately IE (and some versions of opera) do not correctly implement this. Mozilla is fine with it though :).

Your only real option is to color each link specifically (assuming that your layout allows this).


Although blufives answer is correct unfortunately IE (and some versions of opera) do not correctly implement this. Mozilla is fine with it though :).
Knew I should have tested a bit more widely. Curses be upon IE for being useless. Opera seems to be fine from version 7 onwards, at least, which is the vast majority of opera users as far as I can tell.

Yes its only IE that gives css a bad name :wink: