CSS Layout Fundamental Verification Help?

Well then,
I see if I can pull the code from the menu sheet later or just wait for an answer from the company. As you know this only the beginning. As for older browsers, the reality is the client base that we are geared toward will not normally have anything lower than IE10 so not too much of an issue there.

Also since it is just the menu should a problem arise then the site map will always be available to navigate.

I do plan to build out PaulOBs menus to have on hand in case something should break at a bad time. I am currently using the tool that was mentioned earlier in the day about contrast and also have an email out to the owners to help decide more on colors.

I may even learn to have a color switcher in the main content page to convert it to pure black and white for users that would need that, I have seen it done just not researched how to do that yet.

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