Cufon Font Replacement

Hi guys,

I’ve seen this about on templates for a while, I tried to do some research but I still don’t completely understand it. From the one hand I thought it was a font and from the other hand I read somewhere it’s a JavaScript rendering script to allow crisper fonts. I thought wants were crisp. puzzled


I’m not sure what the question is exactly but cufon uses JS, [URL=“”]canvas and VML to basically draw a font on the page.

These days embedding a font with @font-face is a better option if you need a non standard font.

I’ve read the webpage, it helped a lot. I’ve never used cufon font replacement. I use typekit for my non-standard fonts. I think I might have missed the train and there is no longer a need for me to know about cufon font replacement.

Yes, I’ve never actually used cufon and the fact that you can’t copy and paste text with it makes it only useful for small headings etc. @font-face is a better option these days if non standard fonts are required.