Cursor position in text box

I need to control the cursor position in a textbox to do this, does anyone know how to place the cursor in the textbox at a particular position

[font=Tahoma][size=2][color=#000080]The functionality I am looking for…
Excel provides data entry help based on previous entries i.e. if in a previous cell in a column I entered “Jim Bob” then the next cell I type a “J” Excel provides help by showing “Jim Bob” in a way that allows me to pick it or keep typing. This is the kind of functionality I am trying to get using JS.

In the code below I create an array of previous entries by the user over the last 45 days this all comes from a DB but that’s not important here. When the user enters a key in the textbox I can pop the text box with a matching value from the array, only up to the chars entered.

The Problem or Question:
Is there a way to place the curser back into the last position and highlight the remaining part of the match from the array?

This is really hard to explain but if you ever used Excel you may have an idea of what I am trying to do.

[color=seagreen]<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=“JavaScript”>
SRDataArray=new WddxRecordset();_t2=new Array();_t2[0]=566;_t2[1]=586;_t2[2]=708;_t2[3]=713;_t2[4]=727;_t2[5]=1093;_t2[6]=1495;_t2[7]=1831;_t2[8]=2;_t2[9]=4;_t2[10]=6;_t2[11]=7;_t2[12]=8;_t2[13]=9;_t2[14]=11;_t2[15]=12;_t2[16]=13;_t2[17]=14;_t2[18]=16;_t2[19]=17;_t2[20]=18;_t2[21]=2163;SRDataArray[“rowid”]=_t2;_t2=new Array();_t2[0]=“2002080074P”;_t2[1]=“2002080074W”;_t2[2]=“2002080132A”;_t2[3]=“2002080134A”;_t2[4]=“2002090007A”;_t2[5]=“2002100089A”;_t2[6]=“2002120036A”;_t2[7]=“2003010138A”;_t2[8]=“Authorized Time Off”;_t2[9]=“Death in Family”;_t2[10]=“Diversity Day”;_t2[11]=“Floating Holiday”;_t2[12]=“Holiday”;_t2[13]=“Illness”;_t2[14]=“Jury Duty”;_t2[15]=“Leave of Absence”;_t2[16]=“Long Term Disability”;_t2[17]=“Management Time Off”;_t2[18]=“Short Term Disability”;_t2[19]=“Unauthorized Absence”;_t2[20]=“Vacation”;_t2[21]=“as”;SRDataArray[“sr_number”]=_t2;_t2=new Array();_t2[0]=“All work associated with Imations/DSS acquisition”;_t2[1]=“All work associated with Imations/DSS acquisition”;_t2[2]=“Move the bid process currently on LARK to the corp”;_t2[3]=“Rogue web site to be added to DecisionOne corporat”;_t2[4]=“Transportation web page updated and working”;_t2[5]=“Zip Code List”;_t2[6]=“DSS WEBPAGE PROBLEM”;_t2[7]=“Update the current program used to load airbill nu”;_t2[8]=“Authorized Time Off”;_t2[9]=“Death in Family”;_t2[10]=“Diversity Day”;_t2[11]=“Floating Holiday”;_t2[12]=“Holiday”;_t2[13]=“Illness”;_t2[14]=“Jury Duty”;_t2[15]=“Leave of Absence”;_t2[16]=“Long Term Disability”;_t2[17]=“Management Time Off”;_t2[18]=“Short Term Disability”;_t2[19]=“Unauthorized Absence”;_t2[20]=“Vacation”;_t2[21]=“as”;SRDataArray[“brief_desc”]=_t2;_t0=null;_t1=null;_t2=null;

function textHelp(fld,n){

// As a user enters letters display the closest value to it from previous history.
var fldValue = fld.value;

var updateTxtField = eval(“document.all.txtDesc_” + n);
for (var iLoop=0; iLoop < SRDataArray.rowid.length; iLoop++){

// Based on the current pos of the curser in the textbox, select the first match
if(fldValue==SRDataArray.sr_number[iLoop].substring(0,fldValue.length) ){
updateTxtField.value = SRDataArray.brief_desc[iLoop];

</SCRIPT> [/color] [/color][/size][/font]


To select a textbox you should code it like this in your function or whatever:

<script language=“javascript”>

function focus() {;



<body onLoad=“focus();”>

Here is the HTML form:

<form name=“myforms” method=“post” action=“”>

Name: <input type=“text” name=“name”>

<input type=“submit” value=“submit”>


Hope this helps!

I get exactly what you’re saying. What browsers do you want this to work with?

Beetle’ll show you the way, I needed something similar. You can put the cursor anywhere using word counting or character counting.

I needed the curser to follow an array of numbers, I’ve got this far,

function hl()
 var r = inp.createTextRange()
<textarea name="inp">

<a onclick=hl()> hl

_t2=new Array();_t2[0]=566;_t2[1]=586;_t2[2]=708;_t2[3]=713;_t2[4]=727;_t2[5]=1093;_t2[6]=1495;_t2[7]=1831;_t2[8]=2;_t2[9]=4;_t2[10]=6;_t2[11]=7;_t2[12]=8;_t2[13]=9;_t2[14]=11;_t2[15]=12;_t2[16]=13;_t2[17]=14;_t2[18]=16;_t2[19]=17;_t2[20]=18;_t2[21]=2163;


_t2=new Array();(566,586,708,713,727,1093,1495,1831,2,4,6,7,8,9,11,12,13,14,16,17,18,2163)

new Array(566…

I think what you did will work for a text area. We were looking for the same functionality in a textbox. I’ll give it a try though. Thanks for your help!

Got an answer to my question?

Oh sorry, it’s an intranet site and the standard is IE5.5 or newer.

Okay, cool. Then I can do this with a DHTML-behavior. Heck, you could even do this with and XML data island. Hmmm, the possibilites in a static browser environment…

I have found no way to determine the position of a curser in a text box using DHTML/JS. This would be necessary to determine what words to display. In fact IE will display help in the form of a drop down, in a textbox. It displays values entered in the past. This is similar to what I want to do.


Bingo, gotcha covered. First, the HTML

	<style type="text/css">
		input.autoFill {
	<script type="text/javascript">
		var vals = ['abcd','abdd','acaa','acad'];
		<input type="text" class="autoFill" />
		<br />
		Below are the values in the javascript array
		<br /><br />
		abcd<br />
		abdd<br />
		acaa<br />

Now the HTC (this is the DHTML Behavior)

	<public:attach event="onkeyup" onevent="keyHandler()" />
	<public:attach event="onkeydown" onevent="cancelEnter()" />
	<script language="JScript">
		// Reverse values
		var arr = vals.reverse();
		// Create TextRange object
		var tr  = element.createTextRange();
		function keyHandler()
			// Quit if backspace key or arrow keys
			if ( /^(8|3[7-9]|40)$/.test( event.keyCode ) )
			// Quit if value empty
			if ( element.value == '' ) return;
			// Setup Variables			
			var sVal  = element.value
			var i	 = arr.length
			var regex = new RegExp( "^" + sVal, "i" );
			var found = false
			// Loop through array
			while ( i-- > 0 )
				// Look for value
				if ( regex.test( arr[i] ) )
					// Continue if full word match
					if( element.value == arr[i] )
					// Set value to match
					element.value = arr[i];
					// Select auto-filled portion
					found = tr.findText( element.value.replace( regex, "" ), -1 );
					if ( found )
					// Break from loop
		// Will cancel the enter-key event
		function cancelEnter()
			if ( event.keyCode == 13 )
				tr.collapse( false );;
				event.returnValue = false;

Dig you, thanks! Any books you could recommend on this?

Thanks again, very cool!

No, but MSDN has some helpful info


HTC reference

This is strange (to me anyway), why would the other events associated with the text box using the component above not fire. For instance when the onchange event is fired a function is called and another field is populated based on the value on the value of the field that fired the event.

can you show me your code? That doesn’t sound right.

It is a lot of code that has nothing to do with this so I created this small piece of HTML the shows the onchange event never gets fired if the “autoFill” behavior is used.

<STYLE TYPE=“text/css”>
input.autoFill {
<script language=“JavaScript”>
var vals = [‘TEst Project’,‘Developer Assist’,‘Time Management’,‘Developer Assist’,‘email’,‘Warranty’,‘Meeting’]
function checkfunctionfired(evt){
alert(evt+“function fired!”)
1 Uses the autoFill behavior. If the value is in the array (i.e. TEst Project) the onchange event is cancled onblur still works.
1.) Has autoFill behavior : <INPUT class=“autoFill” onblur=“checkfunctionfired(‘onBlur 1’)” autocomplete=“off” type=“Text” ONCHANGE=“checkfunctionfired(‘onChange 1’)” name=“txtSrProj_8” id=“txtSrProj_8” maxlength=“20” size=“15” value=“”>
2 Does not use the autoFill behavior. Both events onBlur and on Change work.
2.) No autoFill behavior : <INPUT onblur=“checkfunctionfired(‘onBlur 2’)” autocomplete=“off” type=“Text” ONCHANGE=“checkfunctionfired(‘onChange 2’)” name=“txtSrProj_9” id=“txtSrProj_9” maxlength=“20” size=“15” value=“”>

Thanks in advance.

Oh. the onchange event never fires as a results of script editing - HTC or not.

However, a few changes to our behavior and we can force it.

	<public:attach event="onkeyup" onevent="keyHandler()" />
	<public:attach event="onkeydown" onevent="cancelEnter()" />
	<public:attach event="oncontentready" onevent="setCurrent()" />
	<public:attach event="onfocus" onevent="setCurrent()" />
	<public:attach event="onblur" onevent="checkForChange()" />
	<script language="JScript">	
		// Reverse values
		var arr = vals.reverse();
		// Create TextRange object
		var tr  = element.createTextRange();
		// Other vars
		var currentVal;
		function setCurrent()
			currentVal = element.value;
		function checkForChange()
			if ( element.value != currentVal )
		function keyHandler()
			// Quit if backspace key or arrow keys
			if ( /^(8|3[7-9]|40)$/.test( event.keyCode ) )
			// Quit if value empty
			if ( element.value == '' ) return;
			// Setup Variables			
			var sVal  = element.value
			var i	 = arr.length
			var regex = new RegExp( "^" + sVal, "i" );
			var found = false
			// Loop through array
			while ( i-- > 0 )
				// Look for value
				if ( regex.test( arr[i] ) )
					// Continue if full word match
					if( element.value == arr[i] )
					// Set value to match
					element.value = arr[i];
					// Select auto-filled portion
					found = tr.findText( element.value.replace( regex, "" ), -1 );
					if ( found )
					// Break from loop
		// Will cancel the enter-key event
		function cancelEnter()
			if ( event.keyCode == 13 )
				tr.collapse( false );;
				event.returnValue = false;

Works great. I added delete to the keys to ignore. I have to figure out, for myself, how the events and behaviors react to other events and behaviors.

Thanks for your help!

No prob! How’s 'bout a little reputation boost? (j/k) :smiley: