Custom panel in Wordpress

I have a table in my MySQL records with users of my site. Now I want to integrate this table with a WordPress blog, allowing users to login and be directed to a custom panel.

Can anyone help me?

Hi Felipe .
You can , allow users to login and be directed to a custom panel from your WordPress admin . Go to left menu of admin Users > Add new and add user and give him a Role. Tell me if I don’t catch your question .

No, that’s not the issue. :slight_smile:

I already have a table in MySQL with the registration of users. I need to synchronize this table with Wordpress and pemitir these usuáriso to login.

Users will not use the features of Wordpress, so I have to redirect them to a custom panel.

I think it’s not easy to manage , I know MySql but no such well. You need to find MySql programmer.

Can anyone help me?