Customer Profile Tracking

Hi there

We currently have a fairly static website and our crm dept are looking to track a customers interactions in order to serve them better content on the websites/apps/email communications. Am I right in thinking that to achieve this I’ll need my java developers to build a system whereby when a customer clicks into an areas of the site it will trigger an event which pushes the data into the CRM DB? As we receive around 2.4 million hits a month that’s going to leave a huge footprint with the amount of actions? I’m new to customer profile tracking so any advice on how other companies approach this would be greatly appreciated. Our setup is we (dev team) own the CMS and have java devs to handle the data capture elements of the site etc and then our crm own the crm DB which is a SQL Server DB.

Many thanks in advance

You could roll your own, or you could potentially look at companies who already handle this. Compuware is one of those companies (which I’ve had some experience with) and there is also [url=]TeaLeaf (which seems to be hard to look up now that IBM took over).

Compuware is a really neat product (by far my favorite) and it can do far more than track your users, but also diagnosis and find issues in your software to help your devs solve problems quicker.

TeaLeaf doesn’t dig that deep, so it only gives you a surface level look, which is great for tracking users but doesn’t really help devs identify the root cause of an issue (like Compuware can).