Cut Short a Domain Name to Male Account Name


Can someone please help me with the right code to do this.

Like in WHM/cPanel I need to take a domain name out of my database and create the username the will be the first 8 characters of the domain name.

e.g. would be thisismy

But if there is a dot (.) then the dote has to be taken out but still make up a 8 character username.

e.g. would be theabcco

And at the same time if there isn’t 8 characters it just uses the total amount there.

e.g. would be abccom

Thanks for any help.


Is this what you want? I presume you have access to cpanel DB and you have already retrieved the domain name.

$domain = ''; // I presume you have access to cpanel DB and you have already retrieved the domain name
$username = substr(str_replace(".", "", $domain), 0, 8);
echo $username;