Datepicker needed


I need some sort of advanced datepicker, that can select whole week, not only separate dates.

Also it need to have ability to select days by date of the week (ie only mondays).

Can you give me some suggestions?

Thank you in advance!

Have you checked out Jquery UI Date

if you download the UI you’ll get a demo page with the datepicker that can do quite allot.

It’s basic and very simple one.

As I said, I need the one that will give me ability to select whole week, not only separate dates. Also it need to have ability to select days by date of the week (ie only mondays).

You’ll need to think about how you’re going to save that data, nearly all date pickers select single dates. When a range is required you just use two and select a start and end date. If it’s Just a recurring day of the week then use a <select>

Chances are you’ll need a few different elements/ fields in the db to save the data that you want.