Delete directory

$file = 'myFile.php';
if (file_exists($file)) {

The code above deletes myFile.php.

This time, I like to delete myDirectory instead of myFile.php.
How can I delete myDirectory ?

The would-be code below doesn’t work correctly, but I hope it shows what I want.

$directory = 'myDirectoy';
if (directory_exists($directory)) {

Hi dotJoon,

The function you need is actually [fphp]rmdir[/fphp]. The PHP documentation has a full list of all the filesystem functions which you might find useful.

To remove an entire directory along with all sub directories recursively use the following code snippet.


	Function to remove directory
	* Depends on cleardir
function rmdirr ($dir) 
    if (is_dir ($dir) && !is_link ($dir)) 
        return cleardir ($dir) ? rmdir ($dir) : false;
    return unlink ($dir);

	Function to clear a directory recursively
	* Depends on rmdirr
function cleardir ($dir) 
    if (!($dir = dir ($dir))) 
        return false;
    while (false !== $item = $dir->read()) 
        if ($item != '.' && $item != '..' && !rmdirr ($dir->path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $item)) 
            return false;
    return true;