Delete non empty directory in PHP

Is there a way in PHP to remove a non empty directory(folder)?
rmdir($dir); does not remove empty directory.

You could unlink any files in the directory, thus making it empty; then use rmdir.

Unfortunately, there is not any functionality in PHP to allow you to delete non-empty directories. However, there’s a handful of examples how to recursively delete files and sub-directories using combination of ulink() and rmdir(), as @mudshark already said.

function deleteDir($dir)
   if (substr($dir, strlen($dir)-1, 1) != '/')
       $dir .= '/';

   echo $dir;

   if ($handle = opendir($dir))
       while ($obj = readdir($handle))
           if ($obj != '.' && $obj != '..')
               if (is_dir($dir.$obj))
                   if (!deleteDir($dir.$obj))
                       return false;
               elseif (is_file($dir.$obj))
                   if (!unlink($dir.$obj))
                       return false;


       if (!@rmdir($dir))
           return false;
       return true;
   return false;