Deleted files help

it might not be right forum to ask this question but i think people might have idea. i accidently deleted my style files from within dreamweaver. i m using mac os. where does it go? can i get it back.if yes how?

Have a look in the Trash folder (trash bin icon in the Dock).

If it’s not in the Trash then you may be able to extract the data from the browser’s cache file. If using Safari, this can be found in [user account]/Library/Caches/

Use a text editor such as the free TextWrangler to open the cache file. How long this will take, or if it can be opened at all, depends on the size of the file and your system (a 100MB cache file opens here in around 8 seconds.).

With the file open in the editor, set it to soft wrap the text for easier reading and then search for some CSS that you know the stylesheet contains. If/when you find the code, copy it and paste into a new text file.

i was using firefox and dreamweaver.any chance?

how do i open cache.db, which tools?

As mentioned above, a text editor. Even TextEdit should do it.

i was able to retrieve some bits of my css. i wonder why not there a way for getting my css fully back from cache?

If you revisit one of the pages in Safari’s History menu and it shows the styles correctly then you should be able to access the CSS via the Resources panel of the Web Inspector (this is found in the Developer menu that can be turned on in the Advanced section of Safari’s Preferences).

Did you ever look in the Trash?

Always make sure you have your computer backed up. Even if you get a cheap external hard drive and set up Time Machine, you’ll have a backup of everything.

Yes, i saw in trash but DW doesn’t save it. i think its a stupid IDE for not trashing it into trash.I had to work all the way…all night long :frowning: but finally did it and learn my lesson .

That really helped me.pulling the base of my css layout from cache. i use aptana, i wish they have browse all version feature. but thanks!
p.s - like u said get it from history, what is the right way to access something like that from history. do i need to offline to do that because new stuff will replace the old one right?

Thank you all. I had to work all again but i managed!

Sad thing DW doesn’t throw it into trash. :(…just FYI :slight_smile: