Delicious help

i have bookmarked quite a lot on here. i feel like it should know me pretty well by now. is there any way it can feed me suggestions based on what i’ve bookmarked (like stumbleupon)? maybe suggest me people to add to my network?

That is not how Delicious is set up. The best way is to click the tags you use. Hoperfully are general like HTML, and more specific. I then use those to see what other people are tagging with the HTML tag.

Delicious has not introduced those features yet. I have seen these features in Digg. Its another good social bookmarking sites. You can try it, if you want.

As far as I know you can only search by tags. It won’t suggest anything to you.

Delicious is use for the bookmarking and share our website
with the other people , this is best website so lot of traffic on this website