Dependency Injection Breaks Encapsulation

Hmm…I think otherwise.

encapsulation means that the internal representation of an object is generally hidden from view outside of the object’s definition.

“internal representation” is another way to say “details”, right?

With dependency injection, the client which uses a module or service doesn’t need to know all its details

sounds like DI supports encapsulation to me. Although one speaks of objects and the other speaks of modules or service, modules and services are also just objects or groups of objects too, right?

Right, there isn’t a written rule and you are again avoiding the point. Your monster class ignores the Single Responsibility Principle.

In object-oriented programming, the single responsibility principle states that every class should have responsibility over a single part of the functionality provided by the software,

Your class has more than one responsibility.

So are you seriously saying, an abstract class is a reason to have 9000 lines of code in it? Because, possibly some of the methods could be used in some concrete class? If you say yes, then you will be sinking even more into your obvious quagmire of ignorance about OOP programming. Funny thing too is, not one instance of the word “abstract” can be found in your abstract class, which means it can be instantiated on its own, which means IT IS NOT an abstract class.

What kind of argument is that? DI is a great design pattern!!! I thought we had that understood. The fact it might not be useful everywhere does not take away from its usefulness. And you compare DI to smoking pot? Could it be you’ve smoked some before you wrote your answer? LOL! :smiley:

You are claiming to have more reusable code than today’s frameworks, yet you believe in 9000 line classes as being “ok”? Right. I am not going to try and prove you wrong, but I don’t believe you are right for one minute. Your stuck in a lonely world Tony. I wish you’d come out of it.
