Did I Place The Z-Index Property On The Right Selector?

I have added a drop down menu to the button “Our Services” located on the main menu (ul#nav) and I am showing the drop down displayed on top of the slideshow area, but the client has claimed that the drop down is displayed behind the slideshow images. I have a z-index of 99 added to the selector #nav li li a. Is there something I am missing? Can anyone help me ensure that the drop down menu will be displayed on top of the slideshow area?

Here is a link to review the page in question. And thanks in advance to anyone that helps!


Sounds like the client is using IE7 or under. :nono: Add the z-index to #header itself. That should fix it.


#header {
  z-index: 99;


The menu goes underneath in IE7 and you need to set the z-index on the main parent of the nav.



Positioned elements in IE get a default z-index of zero and not auto as they should and thus confine the children to zero.


Ralph types faster than me :slight_smile: