Difficulty with select in prepared sttatments

I wish to accomplish the following

mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt, ‘sis’, $_POST[‘Site’], $_POST[‘MedRec’], $_POST[‘Sex’]);

This statemnt was hand coded. I wish to be able to generalize it.

Therefore -

    $sql11 = "SELECT Site, MedRec, Fname, Lname, Phone, Height, Sex, Hx, Bday, Age FROM Intake3 where  1 ";

    $allowed_fields = array
        (  'Site' =>$_POST['Site'], 'MedRec' => $_POST['MedRec'], 'Fname' => $_POST['Fname'], 'Lname' => $_POST['Lname'] ,
         'Phone' => $_POST['Phone'] ,  'Height' => $_POST['Height'],  'Sex' => $_POST['Sex'],  'Hx' => $_POST['Hx'],
         'Bday' => $_POST['Bday'], 'Age' => $_POST['Age']  );

$z0    ='$_POST';
$z0 .="['Site']";

$z1    ='$_POST';
$z1 .="['MedRec']";

$z2    ='$_POST';
$z2 .="['Fname']";

$indeces = array(
    "0" => array
    'tpe'=> 's',
    "val" => $z0
    "1" => array
    "tpe" => "i",
    "val"=> $z1


$binder = array(); //array to hold variables
$typer = array(); //array to hold variable type
$position = -1;
foreach ( $allowed_fields as $key => $val )
    $position = $position + 1;

    if  ($val != '')
        array_push($binder, $indeces[$position]['val']);
        array_push($binder, ", ");
        array_push($typer, $indeces[$position]['tpe']);
        $sql11 .= " AND ($key  = ?) ";


The above generates the following query:

SELECT Site, MedRec, Fname, Lname, Phone, Height, Sex, Hx, Bday, Age FROM Intake3 where 1 AND (Site = ?) AND (MedRec = ?) AND (Sex = ?)

//Construct the strings for the mysqli_stmt_bind_param statement

$typ2 = implode($typer);
$typ3 = “'”;
$typ3 .=$typ2;
$typ3 .= “'”;

$bind3 = implode($binder);

//This statement works perfectly. mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt, ‘sis’, $_POST[‘Site’], $_POST[‘MedRec’], $_POST[‘Sex’]);

//This one fails

mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt, $typ3, $bind3);

With the following error message:

Warning: mysqli_stmt_bind_param(): Number of elements in type definition string doesn’t match number of bind variables

echo "<br />$typ3";'sis'

echo "<br />  $bind3";  $_POST['Site'], $_POST['MedRec'], $_POST['Sex']

Help and Advice, please

Unfortunately, implode creates a string of comma separated values, which is not what bind_parm is expecting. To bind_parm, that looks like 1 parameter that has commas and other values within it.

What you really want is to be able to pass an array to bind_param or execute which seems to only be available if you use PDO (at least from my quick searching) or you will need to just concatenate the query using mysqli_real_escape_string around your variables.