Digitized Yearbooks

I’m pitching my first professional bid next monday… They want to digitize yearbooks and show them on any device. I’ve seen a few plugins that simulate the turning of a page, in fact they already have a working model that does that. The only reason they want to bring me in is because they’ve hit a snag upgrading something in joomla, but may use it as a chance to revamp everything anyways and I’m hoping to take a copy of their current database and sculpt something out of Yii’s Gii and maybe even smooth it over with some dojo on the front end… but I’m sure loading all those graphics would take a tole on a mobile device. So are there any magic bullets, new plugins or technologies I should be aware of before monday morning. I’m even considering encouraging a fork that just doesn’t show the page animations on mobile… I know cross platform development’s the hot topic in general right now, but I was hoping to narrow the debate to this particular use case.

I suggest using the services of http://www.sencha.com/products/io/ to resize images for mobile, making for a better user experience. You might also look into http://adaptive-images.com/.

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