Display contents of a field without £ symbol


I am trying to prevent showing a £ symbol when a user clicks on an edit button.

I do this like so:

var form = document.forms[1];
var data = document.getElementsByTagName("td");
var fixOrPerc = data["Sales-" + intID].innerHTML;

form.SalesFixed.value = fixOrPerc.substring(1, fixOrPerc.length - 1);

This does work correctly when i have a value like so:


But the problem is that i allow negative numbers like so


When negative numbers are entered and the edit button is clicked on then it removed the minus sign but keeps the £ symbol…

How can i fix this?

Hope someone can help…

Many thanks,

Would you not be better to replace() the £ character?

form.SalesFixed.value = fixOrPerc.replace("£", "");

(not tested!)

Hey Spike,

Hope your well, been a long time :slight_smile:

Ok, i did try what you suggested as it would seem to be the easiest way to do it, a simple replace i thought would do the trick.

But that didn’t seem to work it still populated the input element with the £ symbol so i tried a length - 1 which only worked for positive numbers.

I might as well show you the full example. I have 2 fields Sales and Fixed like so:

<input Name="SalesPercent" maxlength="6"> - 
<input Name="SalesFixed" maxlength="6">

Above this there is a form selecting all of the fields from a table, each having an Edit button. When the edit button is clicked it fires the following function:

    	    function Edit(intID) {
    	        var form = document.forms[1];
    	        var data = document.getElementsByTagName("td");
    	        var valSalesFixed = "";

    	        var fixOrPerc = data["Sales-" + intID].innerHTML;

    	        if (data["Sales-" + intID].innerHTML.indexOf("%") >= 0) {
    	            form.SalesPercent.value = data["Sales-" + intID].innerHTML.replace("%", "");
    	        } else {
    	            form.SalesFixed.value = fixOrPerc.substring(1, fixOrPerc.length - 1);


Now i have just tried putting in your code but that doesn’t work either :frowning:

By the way, the % is comparing one field which is the first part of the IF, then the ELSE takes into account the £ field…

Full of a Spring cold at the minute but struggling on!

It might not recognise the £ symbol so maybe try the ASCII codes &#163; or £