Displaying content - SQL, PHP

I found a website that displays jobs locally within an area, and I am pretty new in SQL, where can this website possibly be pulling content from? It seems like theres a lot of searches within there database. - http://www.akronworks.com/

How many databases do you think a site like this would take? It seems to me like there copying of other job search engines. Is there scripts developers can use to build a website like this?

Any help is appreciated.

Thank you

Some of the big job boards have affiliate programs that one can join and syndicate job posts for which they may earn a little bit of money. I am not sure about what is going on in this case. The website you link to is run by Career Marketplace. It looks like Career Marketplace handles their own job posts. The site you link to is just a localized version, probably one of many such localized versions of Career Marketplace.

The job posting syndication field is highly saturated. Unless you have existing websites from which you can feed traffic to one of those types of sites, you will not get much traffic as you don’t have any real unique content.