Displaying real time data in browser

i m new to ajax i dont know how to display real time data in browser actually i m using applet swing for GUI which will contain JLabels i need to display real time data in those JLabels.
from java class i m able to get those real time data i m storing those values in string array. by using this how can i fetch values in real time manner and display it in browser, i used jsp for displaying applet in browser. in applet windows the data are displaying but when i used jsp for displaying in browser blank JLabels or label text which were default text will come . plz help me by providing sample code snippet

Here is something I wrote within the last few months. It should give an example of something that will work from IE6 and later, as well as FireFox and Chrome.


<span id="svrTime" style="display:block; font-size:16px; font-weight:bold; padding-bottom:5px; text-align:right;"></span>
<span id="svrDay" style="display:block; font-size:16px; font-weight:bold; padding-bottom:5px; text-align:right;"></span>
<span id="svrDate" style="display:block; font-size:16px; font-weight:bold; text-align:right;"></span>

    <script type="text/javascript">
        var xhr = window.XMLHttpRequest ? new XMLHttpRequest : new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") ;
        var days = [], months = [];
        days[0] = "Sunday", days[1] = "Monday", days[2] = "Tuesday", days[3] = "Wednesday", days[4] = "Thursday", days[5] = "Friday", days[6] = "Saturday";
        months[0] = "January", months[1] = "February", months[2] = "March", months[3] = "April", months[4] = "May", months[5] = "June", months[6] = "July", months[7] = "August", months[8] = "September", months[9] = "October", months[10] = "November", months[11] = "December";

        function getSvrTD(){
            var st = xhr.getResponseHeader("Date"), dt = new Date(st), hour, minute, second, day, month, dayt, year, tz;
            hour = dt.getHours(), minute = dt.getMinutes(), second = dt.getSeconds(), day = dt.getDay(), month = dt.getMonth(), dayt = dt.getDate(), year = dt.getFullYear();
            hour = hour<10 ? "0" + hour : hour ;
            minute = minute<10 ? "0" + minute : minute ;
            second = second<10 ? "0" + second : second ;
            day = days[day];
            month = months[month];
            dayt = dayt<10 ? "0" + dayt : dayt ;
            tz = tz == 360 ? " (CDT)" : " (CST)" ; // Only works for CENTRAL time zone; modify as needed.
            document.getElementById("svrTime").innerHTML = hour + ":" + minute + ":" + second;
            document.getElementById("svrDay").innerHTML = day;
            document.getElementById("svrDate").innerHTML = month + " " + dayt + ", " + year + tz;



thanks for your reply
but i m not getting how to fetch from a java class
say String array val,which will get data continuously from data server i need to fetch it as it comes to display it in browser

This isn’t really a web question, this is a Java Swing question. Applets are not web pages and work much differently (and probably should be avoided at all costs).

If you want to do it as a website, you would probably encode your array as a JSONArray, then print that out and ask for it with a JavaScript heartbeat and update the UI when necessary.

But you’re using Java Swing and I know pretty much nothing about Swing or Java GUI apps in general. Just because applets run in a browser, doesn’t mean they are actually related to the browser or web technology. It’s actually the opposite, it’s a plugin that runs in a completely separate process with a completely separate set of rules.

then how to make it real time ?

Sorry if you misunderstood. I don’t know and you’re probably not going to find help here (though someone might come along). You’re asking on the wrong forum. This is a very Java question and this is a Web Developer forum. The only web tech you’re using here, is the JSP and that has really nothing to do with the application you’re working on.

Sorry… I saw the OP mention “AJAX”, so immediately switched to JS-mode. :smile: I just assumed (which given the frequency, is understandable) that the OP confused Java with JavaScript.

So… uh… hey, there’s a free JS AJaX script for getting server time/date, if anyone wants it. :grimacing:



I think he’s confusing a Java Applet with Web tech (HTML/CSS/JS).

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