Div around contact form

The very first time that you posted on the old SitePoint forum, and again the day before yesterday and again yesterday, I showed you that fixed heights on most boxes, especially outer boxes, are not good practice. Today, you post the code for this new page and it says:

#container { height: 1200px; }
You repeat the same bad practice… again and again… and you want me/us to show you how to fix the same bad code… again and again.

You will never learn to write good code as long as Dreamweaver writes it for you.

I would prefer to use my time helping someone who leaves me believing that my time spent with them was worthwhile and not fruitless.

I am discouraged. Perhaps someone else would enjoy “helping” you. I need to think about it.

Do you have the Firefox browser on your computer? IF not, what browser do you use?