Django Hackathon Starter

A boilerplate for Django Web Applications: Django Hackathon Starter

For those who have attended hackathons, you know that time is short. If you are building a data-driven application, it can take hours to figure out how to access protected resources on Twitter or Sign in with Facebook. Django Hackathon Starter aims to provide these features out of the box so that developers can spend less time fighting with writing foundation code, and spend more time actually building out their application.

Django Hackathon Starter currently provides the following features:

  • Basic authentication with password and username, as well as user registration
  • Sign in methods for Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, Github, Dropbox, Google+ and LinkedIn
  • Various API data aggregation examples such as Twitter, Yelp, Twilio, New York Times, Quandl, Github, Google+, Instagram, Steam and so much more

Even if you are not interested in hackathons, this project may serve as a learning guide for developers interested in learning how to implement specific OAuth protocols for API providers, or to save time on a personal project.

Feedback and contributions to this project are more than welcome!

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