Do background-image and background-gradient work together?

I’d like to place a background image icon on a button that has a gradient. But it looks like only one will work:

With the icon mentioned before the gradient, this will show the gradient, but not the button:

.buttonUndo { color: #000;
width:100%; float:left;background-color:#aaa; 
background-position:center center;  
background:-webkit-gradient(linear,0% 0%,0% 100%,from(#ffff00),color-stop(3%,#fff380),color-stop(50%,#fbb917),color-stop(51%,#d4a017),color-stop(97%,#af7a17),to(#af7a17));

With the icon and Bg color mentioned after the gradient, this will show the icon on a bg color of #aaa, but not the gradient (leaving the BG color above the gradient, the page BG shows through the button):

.buttonUndo { color: #000;
width:100%; float:left;background-color:#aaa; 
background-position:center center;  
background:-webkit-gradient(linear,0% 0%,0% 100%,from(#ffff00),color-stop(3%,#fff380),color-stop(50%,#fbb917),color-stop(51%,#d4a017),color-stop(97%,#af7a17),to(#af7a17));

Is it impossible to put them together, or am I going about this wrong?


Linear gradaints are images rendered by the browser so if you want more tha ine image you need ot use the multiple background image approach and separate each image with a comma.


	background-image:url(../icons/cancel.png),-webkit-gradient(linear,0% 0%,0% 100%,from(#ffff00),color-stop(3%,#fff380),color-stop(50%,#fbb917),color-stop(51%,#d4a017),color-stop(97%,#af7a17),to(#af7a17));

You’d need to repeat that for all the vendor extensions though in separate rules.

background-image:url(../icons/cancel.png),-moz etc.....

You can’t mix vendor extensions in a comma separated list because browsers are ordered to drop out of a rule should they encounter something they don’t understand and go to the next line.

More info here.

I learned something today! That works. Thanks for the help.