Do I volunteer for website?

I admit I have mixed emotions about this. The people I voted for in town won the election. I’m talking mayor and council people. My wife and I realized that it is finally time to get politically connected. After all, it’s the only way to be taken seriously. We are not political people. To make a long story short, the mayor and councilperson are asking me to “volunteer” my time to work on the website and do video. Since I have been unemployed for so long I have mixed emotions about this. I am all for volunteering my time. In fact, I have volunteered my time a few times during the last few years. I just would rather get paid for my time that I am giving to the town. After all, aren’t the mayor and councilperson getting paid? Besides, I am trying to get new clients to bring revenue in. I know, I know, volunteering can get build my portfolio to show to potential clients. And the coaches who coach my daughter all volunteer. I know that. And I do want to give back. But how can I give back when I am not brining in any income? Your suggestions are most welcome.

It is a tough question but to be honest it is also a matter of how much time thsi job will imply.

It may raise your reputation but if it takes all of your time, then it may not be worh it.

I can’t give any counsel with so little information :slight_smile:

If your council is anything like the ones we have here, they charge us a heck of a lot of money (but also do offer a lot of services). I’m more and more of the mind that if something is worth building, it’s worth paying for. They should not be getting a website unless it serves a useful purpose to the community; and if it does that, then it’s worth paying for. I guess I would ask people do do everything I need for free if I thought I could get away with it … or maybe not. :slight_smile:

If you do a good job it may open up other windows of opportunities and if you have been unemployed for a long length of time it shows you are applying your skills on a prominent website. Just make sure they aren’t taking too much advantage of your time but the odds are if you get fairly free rule it probally might be worth considering to help pave the way to other things.

I can understand where you would be concerned about doing this, but personally I’d say it might be worth considering. If you tell them you’ll do it for free if they allow your name to stay on the copyright and to give your name in recommendation to people they know, if could be quite beneficial for you to do this one for free.

Not only could you build your portfolio, but if you can keep your copyright etc, then you can get a lot of free advertisement and possibly more work. Paying, as they would not be the mayor etc

I did reply to their request. I told them since I am looking for clients and work I can’t put the time into volunteering, however I will attend a meeting. I did not hear anything back yet. lol

I have decided to volunteer my time to do the website for my town.

you have two positives going. first if feeling good about supporting your town and making business contacts. Do remember to if you do phone bump to have your info show web work. Does your town have a business group? if so its another way to make local business contacts.