Do not show images with thumb_ infront of the name

I have a script that get images from a folder and then shows them on my site. But i have edited the script and now i have thumbnail-images in the same folder as the ordinary. Now i have a problem with the script, it shows all the images both ordinary and thumbnail-images on the site. All thumbnails have “thumb_” infront of the ordinary name, like thumb_hello.jpg, thumb_2.jpg, thumb_car.png etx etc.

How do i show only the ordinary images from the folder? Like hello.jpg, 2.jpg, car.png etc

The script im am using for the moment.

echo "<table  class='reservdelar' style='width: 100%; padding: 4px;'>";
            echo "<tr>";
            echo "<td style='width: 70%;'>";

            $kh = @opendir("bilder/trimdelar/$_GET[rID]");
             while($bild = @readdir($kh)){

                 if(!($bild=="."||$bild=="..") && preg_match("#\\.(gif|jpeg|jpg)$#i", $bild)){
                 $flerabilder[] = $bild;


            @$enbild = array_slice($flerabilder, 0, 1);

                  if (!empty($enbild)) {
                    echo "<img id='imgBig' src='bilder/trimdelar/$_GET[rID]/$enbild[0]' alt='' border='1' width='570px' height='445px'>";

              echo "</td>";
              echo "<td style='width: 30%; vertical-align: top;'>";

                  if (!empty($flerabilder)) {
                  foreach ($flerabilder as $bild) {
                     echo "<img src='bilder/trimdelar/$_GET[rID]/$bild' vspace='2' width='75' height='56' border='1' onclick=\\"document.images['imgBig'].src='bilder/trimdelar/$_GET[rID]/$bild'\\"><br />";

              echo "</td>";
              echo "</tr>";
              echo "</table>";

Is there anyone that has an idea? Maybe another preg_match or something? but i dont know how :confused:

You could use strpos to see if the string contains thumb_

$thumbnail = strpos($bild,'thumb_');

if($pos === false) {
echo "<img src='bilder/trimdelar/$_GET[rID]/$bild' vspace='2' width='75' height='56' border='1' onclick=\\"document.images['imgBig'].src='bilder/trimdelar/$_GET[rID]/$bild'\\"><br />";

Also I would look at glob() for getting your directory contents as I think it is a bit easier/neater; from memory you may be able to weed out the thumb_ images within the glog function.

// Directory to read images from
$dir = "./";

// Read the directory and sellect jpg and png
$filenames = glob("$dir*.{jpg, JPG, png, PNG}", GLOB_BRACE);

Thanks for a quick respons. But after some “google’ing” i got an solution for my problem

I changed

if(!($bild=="."||$bild=="..") && preg_match("#\\.(gif|jpeg|jpg)$#i", $bild)){


if(!($bild=="."||$bild=="..") && preg_match("#\\.(gif|jpeg|jpg)$#i", $bild) && preg_match("#^thumb_#i", $bild) == false){

And it works fine.

Why should i use

$filenames = glob("$dir*.{jpg, JPG, png, PNG}", GLOB_BRACE);

instead of the code im using for the moment?

You could replace all this:

if(!($bild=="."||$bild=="..") && preg_match("#\\.(gif|jpeg|jpg)$#i", $bild)){
                 $flerabilder[] = $bild;


$filenames = glob("$dir*.{jpg, JPG, png, PNG}", GLOB_BRACE);

If you had an index file or other file in your folder you would need to add that to your ignore code; but with glob you do not.
Your code is selecting everything then weeding out what you do not want; whereas glob is just selecting what you want.

But as I say it is personal preferance.

You can also use patterns and I am sure you could have added something to the glob line to avoid loading any files starting with thumb_ into the array at thet point as well.

Using glob could streamline your code somewhat, which it uses just a single statement. However, it does require an additional function to filter for the thumb images. Here is how your script would look like:


   function thumb($var)
    // returns whether the input is a thumbnail image
	if(strstr($var,"thumb_"))return false;
	return true;

   $dir = "bilder/trimdelar/$_GET[rID]";
   $filenames = glob("$dir*.{gif,jpeg,jpg}", GLOB_BRACE);
   $filenames = array_filter($filenames,"thumb"); // get rid of thumb images

   echo "<table  class='reservdelar' style='width: 100%; padding: 4px;'>";
   echo "<tr>";
   echo "<td style='width: 70%;'>";

   @$enbild = array_slice($filenames, 0, 1);

   if (!empty($enbild)) {
	   echo "<img id='imgBig' src='$enbild[0]' alt='' border='1' width='570px' height='445px'>";
   echo "</td>";
   echo "<td style='width: 30%; vertical-align: top;'>";

   foreach ($filenames as $bild)
	   echo "<img src='$bild' vspace='2' width='75' height='56' border='1' onclick=\\"document.images['imgBig'].src='$bild'\\"><br />";
   echo "</td>";
   echo "</tr>";
   echo "</table>";

I don’t see any advantage in either approach.

I am not an expert on this but something like this may work?

$filenames = glob("$dir.!thumb_*.{jpg, JPG, png, PNG}", GLOB_BRACE);

I tried that and it didn’t work.

That was only a guess tom8; this seems to work:


$filenames = glob("photos/[!thumb_]*.{jpg,gif,png}", GLOB_BRACE);

foreach ( $filenames as $value ){ echo $value."<br>"; }


Need to give credit to:

Yes, it works!

Here is the revised version of the script:


   $dir = "bilder/trimdelar/$_GET[rID]";
   $filenames = glob($dir."[thumb_]*.{gif,jpeg,jpg}", GLOB_BRACE);

   echo "<table  class='reservdelar' style='width: 100%; padding: 4px;'>";
   echo "<tr>";
   echo "<td style='width: 70%;'>";
   @$enbild = array_slice($filenames, 0, 1);
   if (!empty($enbild)) {
       echo "<img id='imgBig' src='$enbild[0]' alt='' border='1' width='570px' height='445px'>";
   echo "</td>";
   echo "<td style='width: 30%; vertical-align: top;'>";

   foreach ($filenames as $bild)
       echo "<img src='$bild' vspace='2' width='75' height='56' border='1' onclick=\\"document.images['imgBig'].src='$bild'\\"><br />";
   echo "</td>";
   echo "</tr>";
   echo "</table>";  

Now definitely this is a better approach. Did the whole thing with one single statement :cool:

Yes looks a lot better; I would put the start of the table and the end that do not need php outside the php tags and call it done.

   <table  class='reservdelar' style='width: 100%; padding: 4px;'>
   <td style='width: 70%;'>


   $dir = "bilder/trimdelar/$_GET[rID]";
   $filenames = glob($dir.[!thumb_]*.{gif,jpeg,jpg}", GLOB_BRACE);

   @$enbild = array_slice($filenames, 0, 1);

   if (!empty($enbild)) {
       echo "<img id='imgBig' src='$enbild[0]' alt='' border='1' width='570px' height='445px'>";
   echo "</td>";
   echo "<td style='width: 30%; vertical-align: top;'>";

   foreach ($filenames as $bild)
       echo "<img src='$bild' vspace='2' width='75' height='56' border='1' onclick=\\"document.images['imgBig'].src='$bild'\\"><br />";


Yes, that looks even better but I try not to alter the original script too much.

BTW, there is a " (quote) after dir.

$filenames = glob($dir.“[!thumb_]*.{gif,jpeg,jpg}”, GLOB_BRACE);

No there should be a quote before $dir - it seems to have been lost along the way somewhere and there needs to be a / in the $dir variable or on the glob after $dir.

$dir = "bilder/trimdelar/$_GET[rID]/";
$filenames = glob("$dir.[!thumb_]*.{gif,jpeg,jpg}", GLOB_BRACE);