Do you guys think flash is outdated?

I have alwasy used flash in my websites and i cant think of a better way to produce nice animations with small file sizes for my websites and client websites. Does anyone think flash is starting to become ooutaded in website design. I just like using flash so much and i would like to know if there any new trend going on regarding web animation.

One problem for Flash is that some devices—like the Apple iOS range—are not supporting it now, which is kind of a death knell. So if you use Flash alone, you have to accept that what you create won’t work in some pretty popular browsers.

JavaScript is a big rival, especially with growing support for the HTML5 <canvas> and all the things you can do with that. Simple animations are better done with javaScript … or even CSS3 these days.

And in terms of serving up videos, the new HTML <video> element is also gaining ground on embedded Flash.

You could always convert your flash animation into a video file as the final product. I see this a lot on youtube. howitshouldhaveended is a good example of this in practice.

No, Flash is not outdated, and i believe in the near future, all devices will support flash. And as long as it doesnt get in the way of SEO , flash its a nice touch to any creative site. But be aware of processor loads, there are some sites that kill computers, especially the ones with loads of ads, i`m talking about notebooks with integrated graphic cards.

You think Apple is going to allow Flash on their iOS devices? I don’t think so. :slight_smile:

I think Flash is very outdated. A site’s load times are slower than they would be with HTML5/jQuery animation. Flash is difficult to edit on the go and is cumbersome to work with.

It’s not really supported on android either.

“Outdated” is probably the wrong term. Adobe is still making interesting advancements. 11.6 was just released this week.

Load time is relative. It all depends upon what is actually being loaded and how large or complex the file(s) are.

Flash does require a special IDE and compiler, yes. However, HTML5 with canvas and JavaScript has quite a way to go before matching what Flash can do. Flash has always been quite a powerful tool, especially for producing interactive environments and animation. It’s primarily a graphics-based tool backed by a javascript-like language (called actionscript). HTML/CSS/JavaScript has typically been a means for presenting static content.

I am agree with you flash is outdated very difficult to edit more over when we do seo than flash is not compatible for that

Have you tried making a cross platform animation of any complexity with an alternative technology such as html5? It’s a lot more difficult and cumbersome than doing it in flash which was made for the task.

I think thinking Flash is outdated. Keep in min this comes from someone who is a reformed art director. the web is about content and accessibility. It is not a proprietary app , or a plug in to even a beautiful presentation it is content. Content that is styled. The minute that spinning the logo or making it bounce becomes more important than the “name of the company” text, you have failed, whether you used flash or not.

Assuming you keep what I said above in mind , many other alternate are emerging that allow for styling and presentation which, in a sense, emulate the capabilities of flash, albeit without the WYSIWG app for developers. As mentioned above iDevices dont have or plan on supporting Flash. Right now thats a big chunk of the mobile pop., but at the same time populations are notoriously fickle. Every one could go android next year and that platform happily supports Flash.

If you code web “applications”, games or making flash-movies (remember Foamy?) , for example… think flash is understandable ( just note that you arbitrarily will lose the mac mobile market) . As a movie or audio player I think it’s a lazy way out, for anything else : menus, slides, presentations then you have missed the point of the web.

I think the real problem is that people started using flash for things that it was not intended to, like websites.
Websites in flash are cumbersome, slow and don’t work for SEO.
However, for animation, games and presentations it’s great.

However, some concepts behind it are outdated for the new mobile phones and tablets. They have to recreate their platform to adapt to these new devices.

I don’t think so that flash is outdated. But yes there are also some of its disadvantages like it takes more loading time then the other techniques, using HTML. Also some systems doesn’t support it.
But still it is a good and attractive way to interact with users. You can go with some different pattern like using animations and videos instead of flash.

I don’t think Flash is outdated, but because of high smartphone and tablet usage nowadays, if the content in the Flash is critical, one must be prepared to create it in an acceptable form for smartphones to utilize the information. Personally, I think you can do without Flash.

Flash can never be “outdated”. People have simply minimized its consumption in creating a full-fledged website in flash due to the time it takes to load. Online games and banners are still made in flash. Also, people make small animations in flash. You can never outgrow that :slight_smile:

I still get a lot of work for Flash banners, so there still must be said for it. Unless the advertisers don’t know something that the rest of the world does. Of course they always require a static fall-back jpg for the Apple fan boys. It might be because I’m used to it, or because I’m more comfortable with graphics than code, but it takes me about a quarter of the time to create something in flash, than it does in HTML5 or CSS3. It definitely has its niches like games, banners and presentations but will probably be much more scare in 5 years time.

There are plenty of uses for Flash outside the web so it will not disappear completely - it will just disappear from the web.

When I think of flash, it reminds me of flash entry welcome pages websites used to feature back in the late 90s.

True… Flash reminds the websites of previous years. But i don’t think so that flash is too outdated. It provides various features that helps in making sites more attractive and other tools doesn’t provide such features.