Do you know how to

HI, i want to integrate paypal in my site,this is my first time to use paypal,but the problem is i don’t know how to use the IPN or the PDT…i already created the ff: account in :Bussiness and Personal or what they called seller and buyer…now i also created the button in the bussiness account by logging in the,and in the step 3 in creating the button there is return url and cancel url…i filled those fields,return url: http://localhost/us-en/sys-aut/pay-pal/ the cancel url: http://localhost/us-en/sys-aut/pay-pal/cancel.php.

Now what i want to accomplished is that after the user successfully paid the amount ,and by clicking the button “return to jemz-site” he will be redirected to my site and then the details of his transaction will be post in the url so that i can update it in my database.this is what i want but i don’t know how to accomplish this.

Thank you :slight_smile:

Actually, I’m not quite sure if this scheme can work via ‘localhost’-like URLs. Also, as far as I know, PayPal data can not be transfered via URL (this is really not secure) but rather via HTTP queries (see for an overview).

IN my OPN, you should ask the Paypal customer care, they’ll help you out.