Document.eavaluate API behaviour is inconsistent in EDGE browser

Evaluation of few XPATH expressions results in DOMException (code 12 —> SYNTAX_ERROR)

Below are the few XPATH expressions leads to this issue:

  1. prefix:_element (element name starts with _)
  2. ancestor::element
  3. element[@_attr=‘value’] (attribute name starts with _)

Will update the few more patterns soon.

WARNING## XPATH15001: XPath query "***********" not supported.

JS for evaluating the XPATH:

   var result = xmlDocument.evaluate(xpathExpression, object,  function(){\\ resolver}, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null);

This issue is only coming in EDGE browser. Can any one please share me the EDGE browser documentation link (like MDN) suggesting what are the APIS supported.

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