Does add_image_size only work for featured image? Wordpress

Hi, I want to know if it is possible to crop NON-featured images in the same way you can crop featued images with add_image_size. Is it?

Like If i add a five picture in a post content area, I want them all to be cropped to the same size, without having to go into “edit image” and do this manually. Possible?

I think you should should be able to set the images’s sized in functions.php
for example this is the bit found in the 2014 theme’s functions.php

// Enable support for Post Thumbnails, and declare two sizes.
	add_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails' );
	set_post_thumbnail_size( 672, 372, true );
	add_image_size( 'twentyfourteen-full-width', 1038, 576, true );

so should be able to add sizes there.
the link w/info is at
add_image_size($name, $width=#, $height=#, $crop = false);
add_image_size('myImage', $width=1060, $height=750, $crop = false or true);
with “true” wp will match width & crop to match eight;
with “false” = wp will take image as is.

then in the calling page you’d want: for example in content-single.php you’d put in
<?php echo the_post_thumbnail('myImage'); ?>

that should work i think.

thanks, will give it a try=)

forgot to mention. Any new image sizes you add to your functions.php will not be retroactive. And resize the images you have already uploaded.
a plugin like develop might help reformatting your images.
Let me know how it goes.