DOM method issue in Firefox

The following code is working fine in IE but not in Firefox.

var col1 = parent.document.getElementsByTagName(“LI”);
col1[‘ulitem0_0’].className = “inactivetab”;

In firefox, I am getting error ‘col1.ulitem0_0 is undefined’. How do I resolve this error ?

Is the tag name “LI” or “li”?

Apparently, the case doesn’t matter.


When called on an TML document, getElementsByTagName() lower-cases its argument before proceeding.

The problem is more likely to be related to a cross-window issue, involving the parent.document.

Suggestion: Can you move the scripting to the parent window, and have the child window only call the parents scripting function?

col1[parent.window['ulitem0_0']].className = "inactivetab";