Domain names and Google keywords - plurals

Hi there,

I have a quick question.

How will google rank these two sites under the search term “guitar tab”?


I would expect the first to rank best. Will Google ignore the second one when search for ‘guitar tab’ because it is plurals?



Google uses many factors to rank sites. Increasingly, the most important factor is the quality of the content. I would expect any differences in search results caused by the presence of absence of two "s"s in the domain name to be negligible.

Interesting question…
this is what i know…the word matter in a search term a very long time ago, the words do have their importance … but it is now really matter with the lot of things,…it is more understandable with this i think…

“how search works”

Any more knowledge the members can contribute in this , would be great


After Google’s EMD update launched September 2012, I don’t thing that the keyword(s) in the Domain Name will not give any mileage. We need more discussion on this subject from the Moderator(s).

[font=calibri]The EMD change didn’t say that keywords in the domain would be completely ignored, but just that their importance would be downgraded. Before that change, it was too easy for people to register a keyword-rich domain and shoot to the top of the results page when the site was not worth that ranking. That has been toned back so that you don’t automatically get to first place – but having keywords in your domain is still likely to help to some extent.

In answer to Matthew’s original question, I very much doubt that making the words plural or singular will have any measurable effect.[/font]