Domains with the word "online" in the domain name


Do you know whether the word ‘online’ makes a difference to a domain name ranking in Google?

I would expect: to rank better than to rank better than

Is there a ranking difference?



The content is going to matter an almost incalculable amount more than the domain wording.

Excerpt from this moz article

In recent years Google has made several changes that have de-prioritized sites with keyword-rich domains that aren’t otherwise high-quality. Having a keyword in your domain can still be beneficial, but it can also lead to closer scrutiny and a possible negative ranking effect from search engines—so tread carefully.

It’s probably more important to consider the length and ease of use. If it’s still not too long for you and it’s still got the keyword you want, both for SEO and for people’s ability to retain the url, then that’s probably all that matters.

But in the end, the content matters more than any amount of domain wording optimization.

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I wouldn’t - unless the two sites were absolutely identical and the pages with the shorter name had been around for a lot longer and then it would be the duplicate content penalty that would decide which one displays.

Any actual difference between the two pages would have a trillion times greater effect than that minor difference in the domain name which is search neutral.

Google stop weight on domain names, Here is official document

Read out first question and answer.


I have to support @Goyllo (I know he provided a link)… I remember reading something like that a while ago when the was introduced.

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