Driving me nuts-Looking for Horizontal Thumbnail Photo Script

At the bottom of my design there is a horizontal thumbnail photo bar with 6 photo’s and you can click separately on each to go to a web page. I can’t find this.

Anyone have a clue what its called. I’ve looked for seriously 4 hours through Jquery, css, java… and I can’t find it.

Thanks for any help,

What you have posted is an image. There is no way to find out what makes the composite unless you have the raw file from which it was made… probably a psd that also sets the image map which is what you click on. Still, you need the html source file, you can’t find it in a jpg.

I was just hoping that someone had seen this type of picture scroll before and might be able to direct me to it by seeing the picture. In the mean time I was able to find a jQuery plugin that looks pretty good.

Thumbnail scroller jQuery plugin

I want to integrate it into <snip>Look Realty at the bottom but that’s where I’ll likely have issues as its all new to me.



Hi homespecial,

I have developed quite flexible horizontal scroller, much leaner than the jQuery version if you are interested.

Here it is on my website

UK Web Developer - Fun Stuff - Photography

I can get the source code to you if you are interested

That would be great. I think I did finally find the type/look of one. Maybe I can have someone put a jazzy border around it and send it back to you afterwards for your use. Thanks, John
This was the new one I found. Welcome to PropertyTube - Property Video - PropertyTube.com

I have attached the sourcecode - as you can see it is very lean.

You will need to play with the CSS and HTML to make it fit your site, but that is very easy - also if you want to stick some fancy backgrounds in etc.

The reason the code can be so lean is beasue it does not have to cater for every little thing.

Thumbnails go in the thumbs folder
Photos go in the photos folder … the rest is done.

I have also included the right and left arrows for the slider - these can be changed to any images and positioned by playing with the CSS …

Hope it helps