Drop down menu blocked

Hi From 10 degrees C clear skies Wakefield UK :slight_smile:

On this Page www.pause.co.uk I added a quick find button (located on the top left) which when hovered over shows a drop down menu. Well, it does on my lap top but not my bosses :frowning:

Is this because there browser is blocking javascript or have I made a code balls up?

Any insights welcome :slight_smile:

Thanks for keeping us updated on what was going on, Zygoma. BTW that looks like the original Suckerfish JS, because the HTMLdog JS (Sons of Suckerfish) is just 12 lines : ) Have you changed that at all? (less code = less code to break : )

Also, it was only a crutch for IE6ā€¦ IE7 normally should work without it, but Iā€™ve found that the Sons of Suckerfish css code, as-is, will not work in IE7 if you take the JS out of the <head> (to use some other method, for example PeterNedā€™s CSS:hover file that sits on your server)ā€¦ Thereā€™s a simple fix for IE7 if you remove the sfhover JS, though.

LogicAli: ā€œThis line of I.E. crutchwareā€¦ā€ brilliant. I must keep this term in my vocabulary!

Ok Im shifting this problem over to the CSS forum as I beleive the problem lies in the CSS which ive not wired up properly from - http://htmldog.com/articles/suckerfish/dropdowns/


problem fixed thanks Logic :slight_smile: It was an error I made in the css not pointing it to the div tag quick. Thank you for you help :wink:

Thanks Logic Aliā€¦

Unfortunateky the problem persists, the drop down menu only works when the quick find button is hovered over with browsers in IE 8 :frowning: I made the changes proposed but still see that on IE 8 it works but on my bosses ancient IE 6.9 is donā€™t :mad:

Maybe something is wrong in the HTML?

I made what i hoped would fix it:
var sfEls = document.getElementById(ā€œquickā€).getElementsByTagName(ā€œliā€);

Any insights welcome

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Most bosses suffer from Internet Explorer and you havenā€™t tested under it.
This line of I.E. crutchware is looking for an element with ID ā€˜navā€™, which isnā€™t there.

 var sfEls = document.getElementById("nav").getElementsByTagName("LI");