Drupal 7.x w/ jQuery 1.4.4: Seeing HTTP Result Code: 12031 net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET?

I’m using Drupal 7.x and I’m trying to rebuild the permissions (i.e. - admin/reports/status/rebuild). Each time I do this on the workstation I use to develop with, it eventually bombs with the following

In Chrome 31, I see…

An AJAX HTTP request terminated abnormally. Debugging information follows. Path: /projects/test/?q=batch&id=289&op=do StatusText: ResponseText: ReadyState: 4

In Firefox 26, I see…

An AJAX HTTP request terminated abnormally. Debugging information follows. Path: /projects/test/?q=batch&id=290&op=do StatusText: ResponseText: ReadyState: 4

In IE 9, I see…

An AJAX HTTP error occurred. HTTP Result Code: 12031 Debugging information follows. Path: /projects/test/?q=batch&id=291&op=do StatusText: ResponseText:

Each time I try to execute the POST AJAX routine from clicking on the “Rebuild Permissions” link, everything seems to work up until a certain point where the POST request simply aborts. There’s almost no information about what’s happening that’s causing this at all. Chrome at least provides me with what I think is the calling order up to the point where it bombs, which looks like the following:

(anonymous function)
(anonymous function)
(anonymous function)

Should I assume that ‘u’ above is the last…function?..that gets executed or is that a variable of some sort?

Anyway, I’m not seeing anything in any log files I have… There’s nothing in the Apache logs, the PHP logs show nothing, and there’s no reason that I know of to check the MySQL logs. All of this is being done on a WAMP stack using Apache 2.2, PHP 5.3.x, and MySQL 5.x. This development machine is very lax with all the timeout settings and whatnot, so I’d hate to think that this is a memory restriction issue as I’ve opened the floodgates to everything in order to remove those variables from the equation. For example, here’s what I’m allowing right now on my development machine:

max_execution_time = 512
max_input_time = 512
;max_input_nesting_level = 100 <– Commented out.
memory_limit = 1028M

Any suggestions / ideas would be appreciated. It’s very frustrating!