Duplicate records

Hello, can anyone help me with the question: I have a looping form:

for ($ i = 0; $ i <$ _POST ['NUM_IMAGES'], $ i + +) {
/ / Determine alternate row colors
if ($ i% 2 == 0) {
$ Style = "bgcolor = \\" # FFFFFF \\ "";
$ Bottomstyle = "bgcolor = \\" # FFFFFF \\ "";
Else {}
$ Style = "bgcolor = \\" # EFEFEF \\ "";
$ Bottomstyle = "bgcolor = \\" # EFEFEF \\ "";
echo ("\\ n <tr> \\ n <td $style width='15%'> Image # '. ($ i + 1)." </ td> \\ n <td $style> <input type =' file 'name =' image []'></ td> \\ n </ tr> ");
echo ("\\ n <tr> \\ n <td $style width='15%'> Image Title: </ td> \\ n <td $style> <input type='text' name='photo_title[]'> </ td> \\ n </ tr> ");
echo ("\\ n <tr> \\ n <td $style valign=\\"top\\"> Photo Description: </ td> \\ n <td $style> <textarea name = 'photo_desc []' cols = '30 ' rows = '6 'wrap =' default '> </ textarea> </ td> \\ n </ tr> ");
echo ("\\ n <tr> \\ n <td $style valign=\\"top\\"> Album Cover </ td> \\ n <td $style> <input type = \\" radio \\ "name = \\" album_cover \\ "value = \\" $ i \\ ">");

In another php file I insert in the database:

[More code ...]
foreach ($ _POST ['photo_title'] as $ value) {
$ Sql &#8203;&#8203;= "INSERT INTO photos VALUES (0, '$ value', '$ _POST [photo_desc]', NOW (), '$ image_location', '$ thumb_location', $ _POST [album_id])," [... more code]

But the record is saved duplicate and confused.
Someone could help me? Thanks in advanced!

But the record is saved duplicate and confused.


Sorry my bad English, with the code above the records are duplicated, if I insert one picture it saves two, if I insert two are four give the names blend together, how to solve? Help me Sr. guido2004!