Echoing form array

please i am trying to update a form , but it only updates the last row , i have tried to echo the post values sent(item[Pidno] and item[Pquantity] ) as array but it comes back with just the last row item[Pquantity] update , and it does not return the item[Pidno], where am i going wrong

    $pplresult = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM repplac");
    echo "<table border='1'><tr><th> SHOP NAME</th><th> PRODUCT NAME</th><th>
    PRICE</th><th> </th></tr>";
    while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($pplresult)){?>
    <form action='updatepplac.php' method='Post' class='slistbar'>
    <?echo "<tr><td>" .$row['Sname'] ."</td><td>" .$row['Pname'] ."</td><td>" .$row['Psize'] ."</td><td>" .$row['Pcolour'] ."</td><td>" ."<input type='text' name='item[Pquantity]' id='Pquantity' value='{$row['Pquantity']}' >" ."</td><td>" .$row['Price'] ."</td><td>" ?>
    <a href="deleteproduct.php?del=<?php echo $row['Pidno'];?>">delete</a></td></tr>
    <input type='hidden' name='item[Pidno]' id='Pidno' value='<?php echo $row['Pidno']; ?>' ><?php }
    // table closing tag

the update script

    $submit = $_POST['submit'];
            //$rowdelete = $_GET['del'];
            $nPquantity = $_POST['item'];
            foreach($nPquantity as $Pquantitys){
    list($pidno, $Pquantity) = $Pquantitys;
            echo "$Pquantitys";
            //echo "$rowdelete";
             //echo "$pidno";
              //echo "$Pquantity";

Simplify your form and iron out what is going wrong. It is sometimes even worth coding your form elements in HTML first with hardcoded values, just to check that you have got your understanding right.

Then just var_dump($_POST) and look into your variables.

I’m pretty new to php coding and sql coding but shouldn’t $pidno equal something from your database?