Edit WordPress Theme!

Hi Friends!
I have a problem, i can not edit WordPress theme :frowning: how to edit WordPress theme? Please help me…


You can either edit your theme from your wordpress backend (by logging in and editing via your theme’s settings or vai appearance). Alternatively, you can edit the theme in a code editor outside of Wordpress and upload the file to the location it was in when you found it.
Here is more info on editing files from Wordpress,


Hope that answers your question,


Before editing a WordPress theme you would find it useful to understand how it works. Because it is a dynamic site components of the final page are called from numerous sources. It uses a template system that can be helpful for managing your content too.

Use the WordPress Codex to checkout theme development, template hierarchy and child-themes


Problem to edit theme in wordpress Editor?? if yes then download page whatever you want to edit in local and then submit to server again. Hope this will help you and hope i have explained you with understandable language. Thanks…

Hello - which part of the theme do you want to edit? you can access all the php files and the css via the editor in appearance, but it might not be necessary. Is it an off the shelf comercial theme you are using?

WordPress contains two built-in editors that allows you to edit Theme files directly from within your browser. But if you are in trouble than you may Access the Theme Editor from the Administration > Appearance > Editor menu. or the alternative way to edit the wordpress theme you may find the Plugin Editor is located at Administration > Plugins > Editor.

As our friends said there is a several ways to edit a theme… i think the best way is to do that Locally ! you can check this article about how to do : How to Install Wordpress Locally Then you can check your theme before uploading it…

I think it’s the best way!