Editor not reflecting front end

On this page, you’ll notice that the “Car Washes For Sale” [URL=“http://www.iwebix.de/featured-content-slider-wordpress-plugin/”]featured content slider plugin appears above the “Crystal Clear…” div. And that’s what you see with firebug too: http://www.screenshots.cc/show/55535/y6w4m.

However, in my page editor, I have the shortcode for the plugin located below the Crystal Clear section. See this screenshot: http://www.screenshots.cc/show/55534/644yd

So why does the front-end not reflect the way thing are arranged in the editor?

Please advise. Thanks in advance!

I had a similar problem with a php include. The form included appeared at the top of the $content rather than where the shortcode was in the text. I changed the code to this:

include 'include-file.php';
$content = ob_get_clean();
return $content;

However this might not be the problem with your plugin shortcode. It’s just what worked for me.

in what file did you make that change?

I changed it in the functions.php files because that’s where the shortcode function I was using was located. However if the problem is with a plugin the file that you’ll need to look at will be within the plugin.

I should point out that this might not be able to solve your problem. I’ll try to have a look at the code for the plugin later and see if I can see where the problem lies.

I decided to just create a new homepage template and put the section i need at the top above where the editor content resides.

This is just a work-around but…

Out of interest are you still using the plugin? Have you used this code to display the slider:

<?php include (ABSPATH . '/wp-content/plugins/wp-featured-content-slider/content-slider.php');?>

i’m using the shortcode because its within the page editor.