Endless Web Pages - Annoying?

edit: nevermind

There is a control at the bottom of the page.

// edited out some screenshots because I didn't finish reading the post before I replied :smiley:

It’s pretty well done, imo

He was referring to the /latest listing. There is no indicator there on how much data exists.

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Ohhhh. Ok. Duh.

Yeah… I can see that. I think I miss a lot of threads because it’s not paginated well.

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It’s a real pain for things like PMs, too. If I want to look for something I sent a month ago, I can’t take a guess at roughly which page it will be on and start there - I have to scroll down from latest (and wait while it loads the next batch, then scroll again… ).


Yeah, that is one area that still needs a lot of work.

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Infinite scroll is a double edged sword in my book. There’s a pretty interesting article in Smashing Magazine about this specific topic from a while back: http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2013/05/03/infinite-scrolling-lets-get-to-the-bottom-of-this/


Users are goal-oriented and find satisfaction in reaching the end of their exploration. To be effective, infinite scrolling has to account for this. […] Infinite scrolling has to be implemented in the best possible way so that users can always find their way.

The one thing as a user I hate the most about infinite scrolling is that I never get a sense of “accomplishment” from reaching the end of a page.

The one thing I really like about infinite scrolling is when I feel I’m in control and the system gives me feedback of where I am, how far to end (there ALWAYS have to be an end) and how I can jump back and forth along the content.

Discourse (these forums) do it very well, they provide everything I mentioned above. The only problem I have with Discourse is the size of each post… too effin’ big man! Instead of seeing 6+ comments per screen in my 27" I see 3. ¬¬ hehe.

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I really like how they manage it in this forum. Perfect for the content and decent feedback with the post count at the bottom of the page. As with anything its all about application.

yeah i think the same, if someone have any idea…

Depends on the purpose of the site.

If the site is a “River of News” (Twitter, Facebook, 9Gag, etc.) sure go nuts… infinite scroll.

Any other type of site?.. absolutely not because navigation will matter and infinite scroll is TERRIBLE for navigation.

Longer web pages also take time to load and it really feels irritating to scroll down just to find the information you need. They should create sites or pages that are compact and easy to navigate. People who use smartphones for browsing they find it even more irritating.

I agree, its not too bad in Discourse, but I find it annoying in other places, Google Images is one example.
I think it is because I sometimes drag the scroll block when I want to scan through something quickly. So when more results appear, and I’m 75% down the bar, I remain at 75%, but because the page got longer, that means I’ve skipped a whole chunk and have to go back if I don’t want to miss that chunk.

Thats a good point. I think psychologically there is a small reward for getting to the bottom of a page. Mini achievement? :stuck_out_tongue:

According to this article, infinite scroll has had it’s day. I wonder…

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