ERP sistems - PHP or C++?

Hi. I want to ask: an ERP system, how much PHP code use, Delphi or C ++? (in terms of percentage)

You’re comparing totally different animals. PHP is web-based, Delphi is a database platform, C++ is a desktop/client-centric language.

And do you know what’s an ERP? I believe that an ERP include, integrate several environments. Am I right?

OK, I misunderstood the question - the odd combination you provided threw me off. You’ve got the open-source PHP, which doesn’t look to go with Delphi and C++. You can’t really put the percentage on Delphi because that would be the database layer, which would tie the web based (PHP) with the client portion (C++). But you don’t typically see Delphi with PHP, period. MySQL or PostgreSQL, sure, but not Delphi.

Plus percentages are nearly impossible to place - it depends on your implementation - it could be 50/50 where you can perform the functions either in thin or thick client, or it could be skewed heavily one way or the other - depends on your clientele and their environment…

First of all, as you said, an ERP system can be implemented either to manage a store (and this case is found generaly), or IT management. In this case, an IT company can use the ERP, with various purposes. And here is clearly the need for programming languages​​. But at a store, an ERP system is based mainly on the function of management accounting. So, I do not know how much functions are strictly necessary or programming functions at a store … !?